What Can I Do to Get Rid of Post-Hysterectomy Joint Pain?
If you're suffering from post hysterectomy pain, whether in the joints or muscles or both, inform your doctor. It's mandatory that there be follow-up meetings with medical professionals after a hysterectomy, and it's important that any symptoms such as joint pain be brought to the doctor's attention. Depending on the severity of the joint pain, and on any other aggravating or mitigating circumstances, the doctor may attempt to figure out if the pain is connected to the procedure, and if not, what's causing it.
One of the most common methods of dealing with post-hysterectomy joint pain is to prescribe pain killers. These could be a temporary measure, especially if the doctor thinks the pain isn't permanent but is a part of the body's natural healing process after the surgery. The doctor may give instructions that the pain killers are only to be taken when necessary, and not taken regularly like other medication.
If the pain isn't temporary, but is rather a permanent feature, then it's likely different medications will be given and tests will be performed to find the source of the pain.
Alternative Methods
If you don't want to use medication, other methods are available. Joint pain can be eased with heating pads, or by a regular or semi-regular use of a sauna. For those who have muscle pain, massage might be a workable solution to easing some of the pain and tension. Herbal teas and natural pain killers might also help ease joint and muscle pain. These methods are most commonly used for less severe pain. However, this pain should still be reported to your doctor in follow-up visits after surgery.