Elbow Surgery Therapy
Immediate Therapy
Immediately after elbow surgery, the main goal of therapy is to decrease inflammation and pain near the elbow joint, while promoting proper healing. Therapy should be kept at a minimum during this time, because the elbow will need proper time to rest. However, it is important to maintain as much activity as possible without aggravating the injury. Your doctor or physical therapist should provide you with gentle stretching exercises to do immediately after elbow surgery. It is extremely important to ice the elbow regularly during the therapy process. Ice not only decreases the inflammation, it relieves pain in the elbow area.
Physical Therapy
Physical therapy after elbow surgery is aimed at achieving the best possible functioning of the elbow, with the hope of returning it to its pre-injury state. The physical therapy program typically begins with range-of-motion exercises to improve basic movements.
After sufficient range of motion has been achieved, the patient moves on to gentle stretching exercises, which encourage blood circulation to the joint, increase flexibility, improve strength and return the elbow to normal functioning. Elbow stretches often include various stretches of the wrist and arm, as these involve the elbow in their movements.
Then, the patient will begin to incorporate power, aerobic, flexibility, coordination and muscular endurance activities to his physical therapy regimen. It is important to work with a professional physical therapist or rehabilitation specialist for your elbow surgery therapy. Your level of pain should dictate how quickly you move forward through your physical therapy routines; this method should keep you from reinjuring the elbow.
Massage Therapy
Elbow surgery therapy also involves the use of ultrasound therapy and massage therapy on the area surrounding the elbow. Ultrasound therapy applies deep heat, which increases blood flow to the area. This not only helps the area heal properly, it improves flexibility of the tissues and decreases pain.
Massage therapy should be provided often, typically after every physical therapy session. It involves massaging over the inflamed area to reduce the formation of scar tissue and to encourage development of blood vessels in the damaged tissue.
Manual therapy can also be used. With this type of therapy, the physical therapist uses her hands to gently twist, pull, push and manipulate the elbow joint into various positions.