How to Survive Colon Cancer Surgery
Schedule an appointment with your supervising physician a few weeks before surgery to have a routine physical performed to see how well your cardiovascular and pulmonary systems will be able to cope with the impending surgery. Additionally, be prepared to present your physician with a list of medications you are currently taking (whether routinely or on a semi-regular basis). He will provide you with a list of adjustment to make, including medications to discontinue prior to the surgery.
Embark on a temporary weight loss diet in the weeks leading up to surgery if you are at an unhealthy weight at the time of your physical. Losing additional body weight can help to alleviate some of the stress on your internal organs, resulting in them being better equipped to deal with the stress of surgery. Avoid processed foods, sugary items, and other "junk" foods during this time, sticking to a diet consisting of nothing more than fruits, vegetables, whole grains and lean meats to drop weight before the big day.
Switch to a clear liquid diet the day before surgery, abstaining entirely from food and drink beginning at midnight of the planned day. While on a clear liquid diet you may only consume liquid items that can be seen through, such as broth, water, sports drinks, jello and popsicles. This will help to clear your bowels of waste, providing the surgical team a clearer view of the target area.