Postoperative DVT Prevention
Preventative Techniques
The most effective way to prevent DVT postoperatively is early ambulation. Once ambulatory, you should try to walk at least 10 minutes every 1 to 2 hours. Completing leg exercises that involve contracting the calf muscles are another way to help prevent postoperative DVT. These exercises can include repeatedly contracting and releasing your calf muscles or sitting at the side of the bed and extending your legs out in front of you. Both early ambulation and leg exercises increase blood flow through the legs thereby decreasing the opportunity for a DVT to form.
Body positioning is an important preventative technique. By periodically keeping your feet and lower legs elevated, you allow for the complete emptying of blood from veins in your legs. If elevation of the lower extremities is not allowed, blood will pool in the legs and potentially form a life threatening DVT.
Elastic compression stockings exert a continuous and evenly distributed pressure over the lower extremities. Although they can be uncomfortable, these stockings can increase blood flow in deeper veins thereby reducing the potential for DVT formation.
Intermittent Pneumatic Compression devices are usually used along with the elastic compression stockings. These devices are plastic sleeves which can fit over your leg up to your knee or even up to your thigh. They are connected by hoses to a machine which sequentially fills and empties the sleeve with air to exert pressure to your ankle, calf and thigh. These devices also help to increase blood flow in deeper veins as the elastic compression stockings do.
Pharmacological options for the prevention of DVTs include the administration of heparin. Heparin is administered by a subcutaneous injection where the medication is injected into a layer of fat. It works by interfering with normal coagulation in the blood and, therefore, preventing the growth of an existing clot and preventing the formation of new clots.