Recovery From Robotic Prostate Surgery
General Recommendations
Prepare for surgery as you would for an athletic event, attempting to bring your weight into your ideal range before the day of the operation. Generally speaking, individuals who are in better physical condition have an easier time recovering from any type of surgery, so keeping yourself in optimal shape is crucial to minimize recovery time, no matter what time of prostate surgery you utilize.
Understand the elements of the procedure to understand the reduced recovery time involved. During robotic prostate surgery, several smaller incision are made (as opposed to one large incision during open surgery), providing the arms of the robot access to the necessary area. Bleeding is minimized through the use of pressurized gas, which is pumped into the abdominal cavity throughout the surgery. Due to the less invasive nature of the process, recovery time is vastly diminished. According to the Global Robotics Institute at Florida Hospital, both recovery time and the time spent in-hospital for observation is reduced. On average, patients having robotic prostate surgery depart the hospital within 24 hours after their operation and most patients are back to work within one to two weeks. Recovery time can be further optimized through the use of regular light walking as rehab, along with the consistent practice of Kegel (pelvic floor) exercises.