Complications of J-Pouch Surgery
J-Pouch Surgery
J-pouch surgery is a procedure used to correct severe cases of digestive disorders such as colitis and Crohn's, along with being an option for individuals who must have a portion of their intestinal tract removed as with colon cancer patients. During the surgery, the doctor creates a "pouch" out of the small intestine, connecting it to the anus and effectively bypassing the large intestine portion of the digestive tract.
Risk of Death
The J-pouch procedure is relatively safe from a medical point of view. According to statistics from the Institute for Laparoscopic Surgery, the risk of death associated with the J-pouch procedure is less than 1 percent. This statistic encompasses all deaths during surgery, whether from physician error or some other cause such as allergic reaction to the anesthetic.
Infrequent Complications
The most infrequent complications stemming from J-pouch surgery include the following: impotence and other sexual dysfunction, retrograde ejaculation, painful intercourse, and leakage of stool during intercourse (only affecting women). On average, these items have less than a 5 percent (1 in 20) chance of occurring after a J-pouch procedure.
Frequent Complications
More common complications resulting from the procedure include development of an abscess within the pelvis (a swollen, pus-filled area), leaking from the newly formed pouch and anal strictures (abnormal narrowing of the anus). According to statistics from the Institute for Laparoscopic Surgery, these items have up to a 10 percent chance of occurring.
Likely Complications
The most likely complication resulting from J-pouch surgery is bowel obstruction. Bowel obstruction refers to a blockage within the intestinal tract (either partial or complete) that prevents the process of digestion from successfully completing. This often has to be treated with an additional surgical procedure, and has up to a 20 percent chance of occurring during any J-pouch surgery.