How to Recover From Fusion Surgery
Things You'll Need
- Ice pack
- Heat pack
- Arginine supplements
- Pneumatic boots
Apply ice packs during the first couple of days after your operation. Ice packs will lessen blood flow in the surgical area in order to control muscle spasms or sensations of pain.
Perform leg exercises and walk often to help problems with blood circulation. Consider purchasing pneumatic compression boots. This type of footwear automatically inflates and deflates to help pump the blood from your feet and legs back to your heart. Maintaining good blood circulation is important after fusion surgery.
Eat foods rich in the amino acid glutamine. Glutamine may help stimulate your immune system to prevent infections by fighting any germs that enter the surgical wounds while helping you recover quicker. Foods that have high glutamine content include soybeans, cheese, legumes and milk.
Take arginine supplements to help hasten tissue growth and repair after fusion surgery. Arginine is known to help speed up tissue repair and lessen pain and inflammation. You can purchase arginine supplements at your local health food store.
Do yoga breathing exercises on a daily basis. Yoga breathing can help you relax and help you recover faster by increasing the oxygen every cell in your body. See Resources for a sample.