How to Prepare for Endometrial Ablation
Give your physician any information you may have missed during the initial consultation. This information includes allergies to certain medications or medical items such as latex, iodine, tape and anesthesia agents (general and local). Also inform your physician if you are pregnant or suspect you are pregnant. Ask any questions that you may have about the procedure.
Take hormones one month before surgery. These will be prescribed to you to help thin the uterus lining for easier removal during the surgical procedure.
Fast for eight hours before surgery. Your surgeon will give you either a local or general anesthesia, depending on the severity of the surgery. Having an empty stomach will prevent any undigested food in your stomach from going back up into your esophogus and into your lungs during surgery.
Buy a two-week supply of sanitary pads. This will be used after the operation, since there will be vaginal bleeding for a few days. Wear these until the bleeding has completely stopped.