ACL & Meniscus Repair Surgery Recovery Time
Preoperative Preparation
After the initial injury diagnosis, a non-weight-bearing exercise program will be recommended to the patient in order to strengthen muscles surrounding the knee before surgery. This is because of the immediate atrophy and muscle weakening experienced after trauma to a major joint.
Length of Procedure
According to Surgical Services International, outpatient ACL and meniscus repair typically lasts one to two operative hours. Including preoperative and postoperative periods, a patient should expect six hours of total hospitalization.
Postoperative Therapy
Patients will be referred to a rehabilitative program to further strengthen the major muscle groups surrounding the knee and to promote increased range of motion to the joint.
Rehabilitation Duration
According to Surgical Services International, patients will typically require between six and nine months of graduated therapy, which includes a home exercise program.
Continued Joint Maintenance
Approximately 12 months after the start of rehabilitation exercises, patients should regain full use of the affected joint and will be required to continue home exercise programs to maintain joint strength. Intermittent discomfort within the joint is normal and usually alleviated by aspirin or minor pain relievers.