How to Recover From Plantar Fasciitis Surgery
Get a month of rest. Post-surgery plantar fasciitis sufferers will be sent home with an air cast --an open-air plastic support boot with adjustable straps. The patient will be instructed to severely limit his activity. You'll use crutches or a walker for your limited movements for the first few weeks.
Ice the foot to prevent swelling and keep the foot elevated to minimize pain. Your doctor may prescribe prescription painkillers or recommend Tylenol for pain after surgery as well as anti-inflammatory medications. Try loosening the bands on the air cast to provide some relief after surgery.
Keep your foot dry. This may require you doing only wash-basin bathing or bathing in a tub, but your injured foot must remain out of the tub -- perhaps propped up on the tub rim. You shouldn't attempt to take a shower, as you would have to balance on one foot in a slippery shower stall, where chances of a fall will increase significantly.
Visit your doctor for your first appointment about one week after surgery to have the incision examined and its dressing changed. The doctor will be looking to ensure there is no inflammation, which would indicate infection.
Return to your doctor for a second visit after two weeks. Your dressing will be changed again and your doctor may apply a healing cream such as silver nitrate to cauterize the wound. Your physician may also give you permission to get your foot wet for the first time.
Begin to pick up your normal routine after about the fourth week. Your physician may advise you to work part-time initially as well as limit your walking about. You will still be wearing your air cast. Plan to lunch eat at your desk and do as little standing or walking as possible after you return to work.