What Kinds of Laser Surgery Are There?
Laser Eye Surgery
Laser eye surgery is a procedure that has become more popular in the last decade. Laser-assisted in situ keratomileusis, or LASIK, is the most commonly performed corrective vision procedure among people who wear contact lenses or eyeglasses and are looking to have 20/20 vision without them. LASIK is preferred by most patients because little pain is felt after the procedure, and the resulting perfect vision is usually noticeable the day after the procedure.
Laser Dentistry
For those of you who avoid the dentist's chair because of the almost inevitable pain that is associated with dental procedures, perhaps the use of lasers will help ease your worries. More and more dentists are incorporating the use of lasers to perform dental work because most laser dental procedures don't require anesthesia. Laser dentistry reduces bleeding and minimizes the risk of bacterial infection. Types of laser dental procedures include cavity detection, dental fillings and crown lengthening.
Cosmetic Procedures
Cosmetic surgery is a another medical procedure that has been changed with the introduction of lasers. Not only have the older procedures like face-lifts and breast augmentations been made simpler with the use of lasers, but new procedures have been introduced in recent years. Procedures such as tattoo removal, hair removal, skin tightening and rejuvenation, vascular and spider vein treatment and pigmented lesion removal have all been made popular with laser use.
Gynecological Procedures
More common and complicated gynecological procedures are performed with lasers for many of the same reasons as other medical procedures. Women find the recovery time is much faster, and doctors are aware of the drastic reduction in the chance of infection with the use of lasers. Hysterectomies, cervical biopsies, cervical ablations and pregnancy terminations are now performed with lasers.
Spinal Orthopedic Procedures
Back and spinal surgery has also been made more advanced with laser use. Many back and spine dysfunctions and injuries, such as herniated or bulging discs, bone spurs and complications due to arthritis, can treated with laser surgery.