Spinal Surgery Complications

All surgeries carry an element of risk with them. Spinal surgery, which involves the delicate nerves found near the back and spinal cord, involves the risk of potentially serious complications, including paralysis and death. You will need to discuss these complications in depth with your doctor when considering spinal surgery.
  1. The Facts

    • Spinal surgery can be performed so a surgeon can repair a problem with your vertebrae, your intervertebral disks or nerves near your spine. She can make an incision at the back of your neck, on your back or on the side of your stomach in order to access your spine. There are several varieties of spinal surgery, each designed to correct a specific problem. If you undergo spinal surgery, you will risk some complications, including nerve damage and spinal fluid leakage.

    General Surgical Risks

    • Some potential spinal surgery complications are common to all surgical procedures. There is a chance you could have an adverse reaction to the anesthesia. This can lead to your blood pressure dropping or suppression of your breathing to dangerous levels. You will be at risk for infection while in the hospital. There is also a risk that you will experience complications with unexpected bleeding either during the procedure or afterward during your recovery.

    Spinal Fluid Leak

    • During a spinal surgery, one potential complication is the risk of a rupture of the membrane around your spinal cord. This kind of injury is called a dural tear. If this occurs, spinal fluid could leak from your spinal cord into the surrounding tissue. If the surgeon does not repair the damage immediately, then you will be at an increased risk to experience fluid infections, recurring headaches and spinal meningitis.

    Nerve Damage

    • Nerve damage is an important complication of spinal surgery to discuss with your doctor. The autonomic nerves near the spine are extremely sensitive. If one of them is damaged during your procedure, you could experience complications ranging from loss of sensation in one area of your body to muscular paralysis to damage to heart and lung function. In extreme cases, patients who experience nerve damage have died.


    • Other spinal surgery complications include an increased risk of developing blood clots. They can form when you are spending time immobilized during recovery from your procedure. If your spinal surgery involves having your spine fused, then the screws and pins can slip out of place. Your surgeon will need to perform another procedure to move them back into place. If your spinal cord is damaged during surgery, then you could experience paralysis.

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