Over the Counter Surgical Scar Treatments
Medscar is silicon based and will reduce swelling, redness and pain from surgical scars and injuries. Medscar is a gel that is applied directly to the scar and will absorb into the skin. Once absorbed you can apply makeup to the area as well and it will not affect the scar treatment in any way.
Dermatix Ultra
Dermatix is silicone based as well, however there is also dimethicone added so that your skin never feels greasy or sticky. Dermatix is odorless and can be worn under clothing and makeup can be applied over it as well.
Talsyn-CI is a cream that is applied directly to the scar area. It is mainly comprised of Lipid and Peptide, as well as fatty acids, unique peptides and botanical extracts. Talsyn-CI also works quickly, results vary, but are usually seen within 2 to 4 weeks of regular use.
Zen-Med is a treatment system that uses a combination of natural ingredients that will not clog your pores and cause other skin problem. There are no fragrances or colors added to Zen-Med. There are two products that you will use. One is the microdermabrasion exfoliator and the other is a cream skin eraser.
Kelo-Cote is a gel that will help reduce swelling and itching associated with scars. When you apply Kelo-Cote it will dry and act as another layer of skin over the scar. However, it is water-proof and will not come off. It will moisten your skin, while still flattening and smoothing the scar tissue.