How to Recover From Kidney Stone Surgery
Drink two liters of water every day. Drinking enough water will help your kidney cells renew themselves and flush out harmful toxins. It will also help eliminate any fragments of kidney stones that may have remained in your system after your surgery.
Talk to your physician regarding possible changes to your diet; she may recommend that you lessen the amount of protein and salt that you eat so that you can recover faster. You may also need to reduce the amount of dairy foods you eat since a large amount of calcium can lead to stones. In addition, you may also be directed to lessen the amount of foods containing the substance oxalate, which can hasten the development of new kidney stones. Foods containing oxalate include chocolate, spinach, beets and strawberries.
Eat foods high in complex carbohydrates and stay away from simple carbohydrates. Foods containing complex carbohydrates include brown rice, beans, oatmeal and root vegetables. These kinds of foods can supply your kidneys with energy to regenerate and recover. Avoid simple carbohydrates such as pastries and other junk foods.
Avoid salty foods. When your kidney regenerates and is introduced to salt, the natural regeneration process is slowed. In addition, the presence of salt can form kidney stones, a sign of an unhealthy kidney. Use lemon, herbs and other flavorful spices as a substitute for salt instead. Avoiding salt will improve overall blood pressure as well as decrease fluid build-up within the kidneys.