Post Bladder Cancer Operation Questions
After a cystiscopy or urostomy
If your procedure was a cystoscopy (or a bladder scope), then you should not have much of a lifestyle adjustment or notice any physical problems. However, you may have to return for more procedures.
If your procedure was a urostomy (a procedure that diverts urine away from the bladder, to a stoma - or artificial opening), you will have some adjustments that will take getting used to. Your stoma should not affect your job, unless you are required to do strenuous work or heavy digging. It is normal to worry about your stoma, and the possibility that it may leak. This can even affect your relationships. There are several choices for stoma bags; many are not easily seen through your clothes and are well designed to prevent leaks. Ask your doctor or nurse which type would be best. You can exercise and swim with a stoma. You can drink alcohol, but just be aware that the more liquid you drink, the more you may have to empty the bag. So plan ahead.
After bladder reconstruction
Your outside appearance will stay the same after bladder reconstruction, and this is a major advantage. However, it may take time to learn how to pass urine. This is achieved by increasing your abdominal pressure. So, if you have a job with heavy labor, or are involved in a sport that requires tensing your abdomen, you may have to stop these activities as your new bladder may leak. Ask your doctor for specific instructions.
Emotional health
A healthy diet and exercise (with a doctor's permission) can help you deal with the emotional stress that may come with the fact that one of your body's most basic functions is not working the same. Confide in friends, family or a counselor for additional support. Many people worry that their sex life will be affected. Having a correctly fitting device reduces the chances of a leak. Choose positions that will not put pressure where you don't want it. Wearing a T-shirt during sex is one way to cover up a stoma bag and reduce self-consciousness.