Types of Spine Surgery
The back of the spine is covered by a thin bony structure called the lamina. It provides protection to the spinal cord and spinal nerves. The lamina prevents the surgeon from accessing and operating on the intervertebral discs. Laminectomy is a surgical procedure that completely removes the lamina. When the lamina is only partially removed, the procedure is called laminotomy. Laminoplasty is a procedure that manipulates the lamina to allow access to the spine or to reduce pressure on the spinal canal.
A herniated disc in the spine can compress the spinal nerves and cause sciatica pain and neurological symptoms. Sometimes the only treatment for a herniated disc is a procedure called discectomy. It involves the removal of the herniated disc via an incision in the back. A microdiscectomy is a less invasive procedure than the discectomy because it makes use of a microscope or endoscope to remove the herniated disc. An anterior cervical discectomy removes a herniated disc in the neck via an incision in the neck.
The nerves in the spine run out through a small space called the foramen. The foramen can become constricted due to forminal stenosis, which causes the spinal nerves to become compressed. The compressed nerves can cause pain, numbness and muscle weakness. Foramenotomy (also called foraminotomy) is a surgical procedure that removes the part of the bone and tissue causing the compression.
The spine naturally curves inward and outward at different locations. The vertebrae in the spine can become fractured or damaged due to conditions like osteoporosis, arthritis or physical trauma. This can cause pain and alterations in the natural curve of the spine. Kyphoplasty is a minimally invasive surgical procedure that involves the surgeon inserting a small inflatable balloon into the affected area and filling the void with cement. This restores the vertebrae to their actual shape and size.
Spinal Fusion
The vertebrae in the spine can sometimes get misaligned, causing instability in the spine. Spinal fusion is a procedure that fuses or joins two vertebrae so they move as one unit. The fusion can be carried out by the following methods: removing the disc between two vertebrae, wiring or screwing together two vertebrae, bone implantation, and injecting a bone morphogenesis protein.