Procedures for Removing Moles or Freckles
Shave Excision
To remove a freckle or mole by shave excision, your dermatologist will administer a numbing, local anesthetic then carefully cut around and underneath the mole or freckle. Shave excision has the potential to cause a slight surface indentation and also color imperfection where the mole or freckle had been. According to Redding Dermatology Medical Group, melanocytes are often left underneath the surface of the removed mole. These remaining mole cells can cause the mole to grow back or cause re-pigmentation, which leaves a mark darker than the color of the removed mole.
Elliptical Excision
Similar to shave excision, elliptical excision involves your dermatologist cutting around a mole or freckle but also removing the skin underneath the mole or freckle. The exposed skin is then closed up. The elliptical excision procedure is necessary if you are susceptible to melanoma and re-pigmentation. An anesthetic is used to numb the affected area before the procedure. With this removal method, there is the possibility of developing a scar. There is also a risk of bleeding and infection, and you should contact your doctor if you notice excessive bleeding or pain after the procedure.
Laser Surgery
Laser surgery is best used to remove flat moles that are brown or black and freckles. A green light emitted from the laser device is passed over the freckle or mole. Melanin in the freckle or mole is broken up and absorbed into the skin. Your doctor will use a local anesthetic or apply a topical cream to numb the area being worked on so that you won't feel the laser. This procedure requires a minimum of three doctor visits for complete removal of the mark. You may experience slight bruising after the procedure, but it should subside within a week. Contact your doctor if bruising or pain continues.
Freckle Removal Cream
Freckle removal cream is a skin lightener that bleaches the epidermis, the first layer of skin. This procedure is the least expensive but doesn't work as well as laser surgery due to surrounding skin being bleached in the process of using the cream on a freckle. Because the bleaching cream lightens both the surrounding skin and the freckle, the freckle will still be visible.