SmartLipo Vs. Liposculpture
The procedure begins with a small 1 mm tube containing a laser fiber being inserted into the skin. The tube is moved back and forth to deliver the laser's energy into the fat cells, causing them to burst and drain away. Due to the extremely small size of the tube being inserted, SmartLipo is a minimally invasive procedure and can be performed under local anesthesia. The small size of the laser results in less bleeding and swelling as well, leading to a much quicker recovery time than traditional liposuction procedures. Smarlipo lists the starting prices for one target area to range between $1,700 and $4,500.
The liposculpture procedure is performed by placing a tumescent fluid (containing normal saline, epinephrine, and lidocaine) into fatty tissue between the skin and muscle in the targeted region. This combination of chemicals numbs the area and constricts blood vessels to prevent excess bleeding. Once the fluid is in place, fat cells are vacuumed out of the body through a small tube. The procedure is also minimally invasive and does not require extensive hospital treatment after surgery. Lipsoculpture generally costs about $3,000 per target area.
Each procedure is very similar in that they are both minimally invasive, use a small tube to perform the surgery, and cost significantly less than tradition liposuction procedures. However, there are a few key differences. SmartLipo uses laser technology to destroy fat particles in the body and drain the fat after it has been destroyed. Lipsculpture, on the other hand, simply vacuums the fat out of the body once the area has been properly drugged. SmartLipo is more expensive with the starting price for one target area ranging up to $4,500.
While each procedure is strikingly similar, the slight edge goes to SmartLipo. It's laser technology and process of removing fat from the body is less harsh than its competition and it allows for an affordable alternative to traditional liposuction surgery. Liposculpture's vacuuming technique is more invasive than its competition and therefore has the possibility of more complications. Overall, SmartLipo is a strong alternative to traditional liposuction and is highly recommended for fat removal.
Consult a doctor before considering any kind of liposuction procedure.
Remember that both SmartLipo and Liposculpture are surgical procedures and there is always a possibility for complications. Always find a doctor that you feel comfortable with and trust before agreeing to either of these procedures.