Nasal Surgery Complications
Eye Injury
Occasionally, a patient may have double vision after nasal surgery. This occurs because of swelling or bleeding around the eye in the orbital cavity. Generally, this problem resolves itself. There is scarring in rare cases. The double vision may be permanent if the muscles that move the eye are injured directly, but this almost never occurs. Visual loss can happen when bleeding in the orbital cavity is excessive or if there is damage directly to the optic nerve, but this is also very rare.
A common complication of nasal surgery is infection and inflammation. There may be a more serious underlying problem if there is pressure, unusual discharge, pain or obstruction. The physician may change the course of treatment following a culture to determine the cause.
Voice Change
Voice resonance can be affected by altering the sinus structures because resonance is partially developed in this area. Before deciding to have nasal surgery, understand the possibility of voice change, especially if you work in public speaking, entertainment or other professions that require distinctive voice resonance.
Brain Injury
Complications regarding the brain are very rare. Cerebrospinal fluid that leaks around the brain is a possibility, and if the surgeon notices a leak during surgery, he may be able to close it. If the leak is not discovered until later, severe complications can arise. A clear watery discharge from the nose after surgery is a danger sign. Notify your physician immediately. Leaking CSF fluid can spread infection, and in extreme cases, it can result in meningitis or brain infection. These cases are extremely rare, but they are a possibility.
Disease Recurrence or Persistence
There is always a chance that nasal surgery will not take care of the problem. Additional surgery may be necessary to alleviate any infection and inflammation. There are many causes, including heredity, smoking and the patient's environment. Your doctor may advise you to make a few lifestyle changes, such as allergy-proofing your home, quitting smoking and using prescribed medications.