Different Procedures for a Tummy Tuck
Full Tummy Tuck
This procedure is performed under general anesthesia. An incision is made just above the pubic bone, across the abdomen. Your skin is loosened from your abdomen. Your loose abdominal muscles are pulled tight together and sutured. This results in a stronger abdominal wall. Any excess skin is removed, and a new belly button is created. Your incision is then sutured closed with staples or stitches. According to the Mayo Clinic, you may have drains placed under your skin, in order to prevent fluid buildup. You will also need to wear an abdominal binder to help prevent fluid retention.
The benefits of a full tummy tuck are the removal of abdominal defects. A tummy tuck can remove loose skin, stretch marks or skin that appears to be wrinkly. Fat tissue is also removed. According to Dr. Ricardo Rodriguez, a board certified plastic surgeon, if muscle separation occurs, no amount of exercising can reshape your abdomen. A tummy tuck may be needed in order to re-strengthen and tighten the abdominal walls.
Partial Tummy Tuck
A partial tummy tuck is intended to remove the little pouch below the navel. The procedure can be performed through an incision in the belly button, or through a C section scar. The abdominal muscles can be tightened and the midsection becomes reshaped as a result. The scar created from the procedure is just below the bikini line. The benefits of a mini tummy tuck is that it's less invasive and requires less healing time.
According to Rodriguez, this procedure will not tighten your skin. You cannot get rid of stretch marks or excess skin. It will not strengthen any muscle separation above the navel. A partial tummy tuck can only work in the section directly above the pubic region.
All tummy tucks involve risk. There is a small risk of infection. Other risks can include fluid buildup, blood pooling underneath the skin and reduced sensation of the abdominal area. However, according to the Mayo Clinic, reduced sensation of the abdominal area will diminish within a few months after the procedure. If you develop a fever above 101 degrees Fahrenheit, have nausea and vomiting or drainage that becomes excessive, seek medical attention, as this could be a sign of infection.