How to Recover after Cervical Spine Surgery
Spinal surgery is a delicate procedure, and proper recovery is paramount to avoiding complications. If you or a family member need to have cervical spine surgery, follow these steps to recover and minimize your risk of spine damage.
Understand that cervical spine surgery requires a long stay in the hosptial after to operation. Depending on the complexity and scope of the surgery, whether you neck was involved, and whether you had bone grafts, you may need to stay in the hospital for 1 or 2 weeks.
Have your family present in the hospital when the doctors and nurses instruct you on how to get out of the bed and move around the room.
While you are in the hospital, do the prescribed reclining exercises. After cervical spine surgery, it is important to maintain circulation in your legs. Do the exercises slowly 3-4 times per day, especially if you have trouble walking around the hospital room. If you don't get any movement, your risk of post operative complications is higher.
When you are ready to be discharged from the hospital, make sure your family is in the room so that they can learn the discharge instructions. If you have any spinal or neck braces, you will need some one to help you remove the collar and vest when you wash yourself.
Until the doctor says you are healed, the only exercises and types of movements you should do are walking and reclining leg exercises. Do not lift weights or heavy objects, and do not try to lift heavy things above your head. Sit ups and twisting exercises are not recommended for people recovering from any type of cervical spine surgery.
Walk every day. Walking helps the spine settle into its natural position and remain flexible after surgery. Moving too little can cause your spine to get stuck or become rigid. This is especially important if you had any bone grafts.
Don't pick at your stitches or staples. Let them fall off or absorb naturally. If you have removable staples, your doctor will schedule an appropriate time for their removal. If the become dislodged quickly following the spinal surgery, call the nurse or doctor.
Stay informed about the medicines you can and cannot take following the surgery. Some medications may interact with your pain relievers, or hinder the healing process.
Keep in mind that the post-operative healing process for cervical spine surgery can take up to 2 months, or even longer. Be diligent about taking proper care of your self so that you don't develop a serious complication.