Diet Recommendations After Adult Adenoidectomy
It is important to drink plenty of fluids and eat fluid-containing foods following an adenoidectomy. This can sometimes be difficult because soreness after the surgery may make eating and drinking somewhat uncomfortable. Water is a good choice, as are fruit juices. Because cold fluids may help ease some of the discomfort, Popsicles and other frozen treats are often recommended. Some liquids to avoid include citrus juices and sodas or other carbonated beverages unless they have been allowed to go flat first.
Soft Foods
After an adenoidectomy, it is important to stick with soft foods for a few days. Popular choices include pudding, Jell-O, mashed potatoes, macaroni and cheese and applesauce. Again, because colder foods may help relieve some of the postoperative soreness, ice cream, sherbet, sorbet and frozen yogurt are also popular dietary choices after undergoing an adenoidectomy. Keep in mind, however, that dairy products can increase mucus secretions in the throat.
Foods to Avoid
There are some foods that should be avoided to prevent pain or bleeding from occurring during the recovery process. Avoid sharp foods, such as crackers, pretzels and chips, until the discomfort has eased. Salty foods can also cause some discomfort. Another thing to stay away from in the days following surgery is spicy foods, because they can irritate the incisions and cause more discomfort.