How to Treat Chronic Cryptic Tonsillitis

Cryptic tonsillitis occurs when the pockets or crypts in the tonsils create white growths called tonsil stones. Tonsil stones can cause you to have a sore throat and bad breath, or in more serious cases can cause difficulty breathing or swallowing. Follow these easy steps to treat chronic cryptic tonsillitis.

Things You'll Need

  • Salt water
  • A Q-Tip
  • A doctor who can perform a tonsillectomy
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      Gargle with salt water. Salt water is harmless to the throat and will clean out the tonsil crypts. Gargling will assist in loosening existing tonsil stones and will help prevent new stones from forming.

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      Remove the tonsil stones. Use a Q-Tip or something similar to gently remove stones from the tonsils. Take care not to jab or scratch the tonsils. Also be aware that most people will gag if something is stuck that far back into the throat.

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      Visit your doctor. He or she can determine why you are having problems with your tonsils. If your tonsillitis is caused by bacteria, your doctor will probably give you antibiotics. He or she may also prescribe anti-inflammatory medication if your tonsils are very swollen.

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      Get a tonsillectomy. The only surefire and permanent cure for cryptic tonsillitis is having the tonsils removed. This may not be practical if the problem is mild and if it does not affect a person's everyday life.

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