Tummy Tucks After Weight Loss
The tummy tuck removes excess fat and skin resulting from major weight-loss. Liposuction is sometimes used in conjunction with the surgery.
The surgeon you choose should be board-certified in plastic surgery and perform the tummy tuck in an accredited medical facility.
Time Frame
John J. Seaberg, M.D., F.A.C.S., estimates the surgery takes approximately three hours; patients can return to full activities in eight weeks or less, if no complications occur.
Plastic surgery for purely aesthetic reasons is not typically covered by insurance. The surgeon's fee runs $4,827, on a national average (as of 2009). There are additional charges for use of operating room plus cost of medication.
Three to six months after surgery the scars will worsen and then begin to fade. Nine to twelve months after the operation they should appear lighter in color, but do not expect them to disappear completely.