How to Prepare for a Posterior Spinal Fusion
Things You'll Need
- Blood bank X-rays Blood tests Urinalysis EEG Scrub brushes Shampoo Nail polish remover
Prepare for a posterior spinal fusion by scheduling an autologous blood donation within 7 weeks of your surgery date. An autologous blood donation means that you are donating your own blood in case you are in need of blood products during or following your surgery; using your own blood reduces the risk of infection or other complications. The hospital at which you will be having surgery or your local blood bank can give you specific details about this type of blood draw.
Avoid sunbathing or any activity that may result in abnormal discoloration, rashes or sores to appear on your back in the few weeks leading up to your spinal fusion. Your back must be clear of sunburn or other marks and blemishes to reduce the risk of infection or other complications.
Get your pre-operative bloodwork and testing done a few days before your spinal fusion is scheduled. Your orthopedist will order routine blood and urine tests to check for infection as well as to gauge glucose, protein and iron levels prior to surgery.
Have X-rays taken of your back during your pre-op appointment that will serve as the "before" picture of your back. Your doctors will use these X-rays to track your progress during your recovery period.
Submit to an EEG test as you prepare for posterior spinal fusion surgery. An EEG measures electrical impulses; when the test is done before spinal surgery, it is used to see how your nerves communicate messages down your spine. The same test will be used during surgery to be sure that the nerves are not damaged.
Shower the evening before your surgery. You may have been given scrub brushes that are treated with iodine to ensure that all bacteria in your back and torso is eliminated before your operation. Use the brushes as directed by hospital staff. You may need another person helping you to be sure that you have adequately cleaned the entire surface area of your back.
Refrain from eating anything after you have gone to bed the night before your posterior spinal fusion. The surgery must be done on a empty stomach to reduce the risk of stomach upset or adverse reactions to anesthesia.
Perform a second scrub with the iodine-treated brushes on the morning of your surgery if directed by your medical care providers. Pay special attention to your hip area as you scrub. When autografting is done during surgery, doctors will take a piece of your hip bone to use during the fusion process.
Remove all jewelry, makeup and nail polish prior to your back surgery. Leave your jewelry at home for safety purposes.Wear clothing that is comfortable for you, as you will be changing into a hospital gown once you are admitted.