How to Get Rid of Hammertoes

Hammertoes are called such because they are a contraction of the toes that make them resemble the claw of a hammer. These abnormalities are usually caused by wearing shoes that are too tight and force your toes into unnatural positions. Hammertoes can be very painful if left unattended. If you were to visit a podiatrist, he/she would most likely suggest surgery to correct the changed structure of the hammertoe. This is not always necessary. In most cases, you can get rid of hammertoes on your own, without having to resort to surgical procedures.

Things You'll Need

  • Flat shoes Hammertoe splint
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      Buy a hammertoe splint that best suits your needs. There are splints that are designed to correct both single hammertoes and multiple hammertoes. You can find some online by going to the website under the additional resources.

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      Slide your foot into the hammertoe splint, making sure that your affected toe is in the proper location for the type of splint that you bought. Also, there will be some brands that will allow you to wear socks over them, while others will not.

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      When you need to wear shoes, put flat ones on. When looking for the right flat shoe, you need to make sure that there is a proper amount of space in the toe area, allowing you to wiggle your toes freely.

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      Walk barefoot as often as you can. Without the confines of shoes, your toes can relax and move as they need to.

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