About Achilles Tendon Lengthening in Children
Your healthcare provider will use physical examination, subjective examination, X-rays and ultrasound to diagnose the need for straightening the Achilles' tendon.
According to Natarajan and Ribbans, causes of pediatric Achilles' tendon involvement are: congenital, developmental, traumatic and neurological.
Congenital causes can include, congenital vertical talus, an uncommon birth defect which is characterized by a severe, rigid flat foot; and club foot, a common birth defect in which the Achilles' tendon may be contracted and the bones of the foot are malrotated.
A common developmental cause is idiopathic toe-walking which is walking on tip-toes for no apparent reason. Initially, most toddlers toe-walk but, eventually grow out of it. A child that continues to toe-walk after three years should be evaluated by your health care provider for neurological or neuromuscular disorders.
Neuromuscular causes include cerebral palsy, spina bifida, spinal cord injury or tumors, paralysis, and various types of muscular dystrophies such as Duchannes.
Traumatic causes can include Server's Syndrome which is a temporary inflammation of the Achilles tendon secondary to over-use through athletics or growth spurts.
Benefits of Treatment
Benefits of treatment include decreased ankle, leg, or foot pain; increased flexibility of ankle and foot; realignment of foot for improved gait (manner in which one walks), and enabling ambulation if the child cannot walk. Treatment also can prevent contractures (stiffening of a joint in one position).
Non-Surgical Treatment
According to Maffulli and Almenkinders, the initial treatment of shortened tendons should be non-operative. Corrective manipulation and serial application of casts, followed by calcaneal tenotomy and release of an aberrant tendoachilles tendon if found, should be successful in at least 85 percent of patients who are initially treated a few days after birth. Serial casting is similar to wearing orthodontic braces. As the foot straightens, the previous cast is removed and replaced with another cast. Some physicians prefer the use of braces that parents can place and remove themselves. This method can take two years to four years. With serial casting, the child usually can play and walk.
Children with less severe clubbing may be able to wear orthotic shoes rather than casts.
Physical therapy and regular stretching exercises can stretch the Achilles' tendon and help relieve pain.
Surgical Treatment
Traditional open surgery in which a 6 to 8 centimeters incision is made above the heel. The tendon is cut, stretched, and then reattached. The child is put in a below-the-knee cast for about six weeks to immobilize the area.
Percutaneous lengthening involves inserting a tenotomy knife just above the heel and again just below the tendon's insertion point into the calf. This procedure should loosen the tendon. Again, the child is place in a below-the-knee cast for about six weeks. Percutaneous lengthening can be performed under local anesthesia and as an outpatient procedure..
After surgical or non-surgical lengthening, the patient should continue exercising the area at home
according to the therapist's instructions. Failure to do so can lead to stiffness and contractures. The ankle/foot brace must be used consistently for reliable results. The child usually maintains the ability to walk/run with the brace on. Tenotomy (Achilles' tendon lengthening) can be done on an outpatient basis.
The risks of any surgery include bleeding, infection, and death (usually secondary to anesthesia). Risks specific to tenotomy include the aforementioned plus a chance that another surgery may be needed for further correction.