Recovering From Ankle Surgery
Initial Recovery
After the surgery, you will be discharged from the hospital and a prescription for pain medication will be given. Take the pain medication as needed. The first few weeks after surgery should be dedicated to resting so that your body has a chance to heal. Keep the foot elevated as much as possible and apply ice as needed to keep the swelling down. Pay attention to the ankle; watch for signs of infection, including swelling and fever or a foul odor coming from the ankle. Report any of these to your doctor immediately.
Postsurgical Follow-up
Sometime around two weeks after surgery, you will visit with the doctor for a follow-up appointment so the doctor can check on your healing and remove the dressing and any sutures. At that point, the doctor will put you in either a cast or boot. Recovery time will be ongoing for an additional four to six weeks. Again, you should rest the ankle as much as possible. Make sure you are eating right. Some people who have undergone surgery feel that additional calcium can help speed recovery. Getting enough sleep is critical to your overall recovery as well.
Physical Therapy
Physical therapy exercises are critical to your recovery because the ankle will be weak after the surgery. PT will be recommended for anywhere from three to six weeks and generally will begin six weeks after the surgery. PT exercises are structured to help bring back mobility to the ankle and strengthen it. As part of your PT, you may undergo ultrasound treatment as well as the application of hot and cold packs. Initially, you may find the PT exercises painful, but doing the full course of PT is critical to restoring full function to the ankle after surgery.