How to Lose Weight After Back Surgery
Things You'll Need
- Food diary Selection of low-impact cardiovascular exercises Selection of back strengthening and stretching exercises
Get your diet in order. If you've been less active since your back surgery, you may need fewer calories than before. Reassess your caloric needs based on your current activity level. Base your diet on fresh, minimally processed, nutrient-dense foods. These supply the nutrition needed for recovery from surgery without giving you excess empty calories.
Work to avoid emotional eating. If back surgery has kept you from your favorite activities, you may start eating out of boredom. The frustration of post-surgery back pain can also lead you to eat for comfort and distraction. Identify your emotional eating triggers by keeping a food diary for a week or two and noting your mood along with what you eat. Then look for alternatives to emotional eating such as taking up a new hobby to avoid boredom or listening to relaxing music to relieve stress caused by back pain.
Do low-impact cardiovascular exercises. These exercises burn calories and help you lose weight without straining injury-prone areas like your back and knees. You might try power walking, cycling, swimming or working on a low-impact machine like a cross country ski machine or elliptical machine.
Sneak light exercise into your spare moments. Making it a point to be active whenever you can prevents you from getting stuck in the sedentary mode many people are in after surgery. Even simple exercises are a good start. Work your middle by tightening your ab muscles for a count of ten then relaxing. Keep light hand weights by your chair and do arm curls while you watch TV. Stretch now and then throughout the day to keep your back muscles limber.
Strengthen your back muscles. The stronger your back muscles, the less likely they are to hurt and the better able you'll be to perform more strenuous exercise in order to lose weight. In addition to the exercises your doctor recommends, try Pilates, yoga or tai chi. All of these help keep your back muscles relaxed and flexible. Yoga and tai chi can also help with the mental aspect of back pain control.