How to Reverse a Tubal Ligation
Decide how you will pay for the reversal of your tubal ligation. The procedure can cost up to $14,000, according to physician database Locate A Doc, and most insurance companies will not cover it because it is elective. Make sure you have a payment plan in place before you choose a doctor.
Find a doctor who performs tubal ligation reversals. You may be able to get a referral from your primary care doctor or gynecologist. You can also search databases of infertility doctors who perform this procedure at websites like Locate A Doc or Fertility LifeLines. Ideally, you should choose a doctor who limits his practice to tubal ligation reversals. This will ensure a high skill level.
Make an appointment with the doctor to discuss your specific case. The success rate for tubal ligation reversals can vary based on a number of factors, such as age and the amount of damage to the fallopian tubes that occurred during the original procedure. The doctor can give you an estimate of your chances for a successful reversal based on your personal situation. You can also ask her about her personal success level with previous patients.
Schedule your tubal ligation reversal surgery. Most doctors will perform it on an outpatient basis, which helps minimize the cost. It can also be healthier to have your tubal ligation reversal performed at the doctor's office or clinic because there, you will not be exposed to the infections you would in a hospital environment.