Careers in Wellness Management
What Is Wellness Management
Wellness management can happen on several levels---the one-on-one management of an individual's wellness or through a wellness program. One manages a single person, the other manages a larger number of people. Wellness management programs can be found in the workplace. Club One Fitness Centers is a company that develops wellness management programs for employers. Wellness management is also being offered through some insurance and health plans, including Cigna.
Education Requirements
Wellness management professionals may start off in different areas---as trainers, nurses aides, massage therapists or even as nurses. Wellness professionals will generally need a bachelor's degree. If the bachelor's degree is not in a health or fitness related field they will need further proof of training in several of the following areas---fitness training, nutrition, health or medical services and procedures. Wellness and exercise management are now offered as a major for undergraduates in some universities like Ball State University and Oswego State University of New York.
Types Of Jobs
Wellness management is practiced in a variety of areas. These include athletic trainers, activity directors, fitness instructors, physical therapists, home health aides and rehabilitation specialists. Wellness concepts are even applied in the areas of research, advocacy and food management. The ideas generated by using wellness as a lifestyle can spill over into many industries---food safety, health sociology and community services.
Careers In Wellness Services
The overall picture of wellness management includes many types of services and specialties. Careers in wellness services extend to teaching smoking cessation, weight management, stress management and completing health risk assessments. Many wellness managers use a whole host of other professionals to achieve comprehensive wellness for their clients. Corporations often hire wellness managers to create a comprehensive list of available wellness services for their employees. Companies like Power Wellness create wellness centers all over the U.S. and require a broad range of wellness service providers.
National Wellness Institute
The National Wellness Institute (NWI) was formed in 1977 to offer support to those employed in wellness and wellness management. NWI holds a National Wellness Conference each year that offers certificate training and best practices seminars. NWI also offers an accreditation program that assists universities and certification programs in creating recognized standards and curriculum.