How to Remove Surgical Staples
Things You'll Need
- Examination gloves
- Sterile gloves (if applicable)
- Staple removal instrument
- Alcohol swabs
- Skin disinfectant
- Gauze pads or other dressing material
The typical surgical wound takes about two weeks to heal sufficiently to remove sutures or staples, a few exceptions are facial and scalp wounds/incisions, in which case sutures or staples may be removed earlier to reduce the potential for unsightly scar formation. Be sure the wound is healed sufficiently before removing the staples.
Cleanse the wound thoroughly before removing staples. Clear any dried blood or other material that may stick to the staples, making them harder to grasp and hold. Use 70 percent alcohol or other skin disinfectant to clean the area.
Begin at one end of the wound or the other, versus somewhere in the middle. Starting at one end ensures that there are no missed staples and there are none lagging behind to get caught on the removal tool.
Be sure the middle of the staple is seated properly in the lower jaw of the remover. There is a groove in the lower jaw that the staples should seat into before engaging it with the upper jaw. This will ensure proper grasping of the staple by the removal tool.
Close the jaws of the removal instrument securely until they are completely closed down. As continued force is applied to the staple, the legs will bend outward away from the skin surface and dis-engage from it. While maintaining a good grip on the staple, lift the removal tool up and away from the wound. Dispose of the staple properly. Repeat this action until all staples are removed.