Reasons for an Adult Tonsillectomy
The pharynx is the area that extends from the back of the nose down to the larynx (or voice box). Pharyngitis can be as mild as a sore throat or as severe as a full-blown, inflammatory viral infection. Pharyngitis can be a viral infection that results in the flu or a cold. It can also be a bacterial infection that often results in strep throat. Recurrent pharyngitis is one of the possible reasons that an adult may require a tonsillectomy.
Recurrent Bacterial Infections
Suffering repeated bacterial infections causes damage to the tonsils and is a reason for removing them. Bacterial throat infections usually result in an inflamed sore throat. It may also result in a cold with headaches, fatigue and a slight temperature. Serious bacterial infections are accompanied by white spots on the throat, difficulty swallowing or breathing, or having pus in the mouth. Strep throat is a type of bacterial infection.
Tonsillitis refers to inflamed tonsils. This is caused by an infection. Tonsillitis is contagious. Symptoms include fever, yellow discharge (on the tonsils), sore throat, tenderness of the lymph nodes on the sides of the neck, and inflamed, red tonsils. If you have chronic (recurrent) tonsillitis, your doctor will likely recommend having a tonsillectomy.
A tonsillith, also known as a tonsil stone, is a small, hard particle that can gather in the folds (called crypts) of the tonsils. Tonsilliths are composed of food particles and infected material. They can be very irritating and can also cause chronic bad breath. Normally, they can be removed by brushing. However sometimes a person may suffer from chronic cryptic tonsillitis, or recurrent, long-lasting problems with tonsilliths. These cases can be resolved with a tonsillectomy.
Peritonsillar Abscess
Peritonsillar abscesses are very painful infections. If you've had an abscess once, you're likely to suffer them again. It's best to have the tonsils removed.
Other Reasons
Other possible reasons for a tonsillectomy are airway obstruction resulting in sleep apnea, snoring and nasal airway obstruction.