Surgery for Peyronie's Disease
There are various types of surgery, depending on the complexity of the advancement in the disease. However, prior to surgical options, a patient will undergo assessment to see if surgery is even an option.
Nesbit Plication
Tissue may removed from the penis to correct bending as a result of the disease. The penis may be shortened on the side where it is longest, but it may cause for the penis to be shortened in length overall.
Growths or lumps that have grown on the penis are removed. Skin from other parts of the body will be used for grafting material to reshape the penis.
Penile Prosthetics
In cases where impotence is extreme, a hollow and inflatable tube is placed within the penis. This type of surgery is only recommended when other options fail.
Vein Grafting
When there is a severe curvature in the penis, small cuts will be made within the penis to straighten it. It will then be grafted over with the patient's skin.
Surgery is recommended in men whose conditions never change (i.e., don't get worse) as surgery options will be optimal. If the disease progresses to a point where there may be complications, it is best to consult with your doctor and discuss your options.