Prostate Cancer Removal Side Effects
It is possible to treat prostate cancer with radioactive seeds instead of complete removal. It is also possible to only remove a portion of the prostate tissue. Of course, all options should be discussed with your physician.
Incontinence is probably the most common side effect of prostrate removal. Incontinence is the inability to control urination. This side effect can be temporary and treated with medications.
Another common side effect of prostate removal is impotence. Impotence is the inability to have or maintain an erection. Just as with incontinence, this side effect may also be temporary and can be treated with medications.
Because of the effect of impotence after prostrate removal, the inability to achieve an erection may affect and place a strain within marriages or relationships. Intimacy is an integral part of any relationship, so exploring counseling and medications, such as Viagra, will be beneficial.
Denial is a side effect of enlarged prostrate. Many men do not want to think about the two main side effects of removal. By denying the problem, the man may find that it is a much more serious problem besides enlargement. As prostate cancer is the most common among men, denial is a dangerous side effect.
Hopkins Medicine reports that impotence and incontinence side effects can be greatly reduced by surgeons who specialize in prostrate removal. Do your homework, ask friends and get references from others who have been through the same ordeal to decrease the chances of long-term side effects.