How to Do Knee Strengthening Exercises After Arthroscopic Surgery at Home
Things You'll Need
- ankle weights, exercise band, exercise mat, little towel
Put the ankle weights on your ankles. Start out using one or two pounds until your legs feel stronger. Do not use the weights at all if your knee feels sore at any time during ANY of these exercises. Use your mat to lie on for the following exercises.
Leg lifts-front. Lie on your back. Pull one knee up while keeping it on the floor. Raise the other leg no higher than the bent knee. Do this 30 times. Change legs and repeat.
Lie on your side. Slowly raise the leg no higher than halfway up. Repeat 30 times. Repeat on the other side.
Lie on your stomach with your head down. Bend your legs up like you are kicking back one at a time. Do 30 repetitions on each leg.
Suspended leg raises. With the ankle weights on, sit on the edge of a bed or any place where your legs can hang without reaching the floor. Raise one leg up to the height of the seating area, hold for three counts, and slowly let it down. Do 30 repetitions. Repeat this on the other leg.
Standing bent leg raises. Stand straight and hold onto a chair or other surface for balance if you need it. Kick up your leg slowly in the back. Do it 30 times. Repeat this on the other leg.
Exercise band bend. Take a taut exercise band and tie it on the end. Close a door on one end to secure it. Step into the band. Make sure the band lands on the bend in the inside of your knee. If it hurts a little, get a little towel and place it under the band. Stand straight and bend your knee in and out, making sure that when you pull out, you feel the band go tight but not enough to cause any pain. Do this 30 times.
Ice your knee. After you have exercised, your knee will naturally be sore. You need to ice it for 10-20 minutes after exercising.