How to Take Care of Stitches on the Eye
Take proper care of your stitches daily. Your doctor will most likely ask you to wait two to three days before cleaning the affected area. When cleaning the area, use a warm wash cloth. Use a mild soap, such as Ivory, and water to clean the affected area. Never put soap directly on the stitches, as it may burn the wound or the soap could leak into your eyes. Do not rub the stitches directly, only clean around them. Rubbing directly on the stitches may cause them to fall out or become infected.
Make sure your hands are clean and dry before touching the wound. Apply an antibiotic ointment on the wound or around the stitches if your doctor allows it. Using an antibiotic ointment is considered only on a case-by-case basis. Your doctor will let you know how much ointment to use and how often to use it. The ointment will help the wound to heal and help to prevent infection. Always wash your hands afterward to reduce the chances of further infection.
Allow the wound to remain uncovered. If the wound is covered, it may take longer to heal. However, if it is leaking yellowish fluid, you need to cover it. Let your doctor know about any leaking fluid or changes to the wound. For optimal healing of the wound, the stitches need to be kept clean and dry at all times. Since the stitches are on the eye, you want to be very clean to protect the eyes from any other foreign objects that could cause eye irritation.
Check daily to make sure the stitches are healing properly. Make sure the edges of the wound are closed by the stitches. Sometimes, one side might start to unravel. If this happens, let your doctor know immediately, to reduce the chances of permanent scarring around the eye. Also, check daily to see if there is any redness, swelling, or other signs of an infection around the stitches. If so, make an appointment with your doctor so that he may evaluate and treat accordingly.