How to Recover After Surgery
First thing you will need is rest and lots of it. Your body had just gone through a traumatic experience so you need the rest to recover. Do not feel guilty about resting, if there was any time to rest, the time is now!
Every surgery will have specific sets of instructions, make sure you follow those to the T. Remember, this is your health you are dealing with, you wouldn't want to have another surgery, so follow your doctor's specific advice. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to call your doctor any time of day. Your doctor knows you are recovering and normally will be there for your questions.
Take your medications prescribed to you on time including your pain medications. The first few weeks will be painful ones so everything you can do to alleviate the pain will only help you. Do not skip on any of your medications. Set an alarm if you need to remind yourself.
Make sure you are stocked up with food and nescessities prior to your surgery or have family or friends around that can help you if you need help. Eat well. If you are relegated to certain diet restrictions during recovery, follow those restrictions. Your body is in a very fragile state at this period, anything you can do to keep yourself healthy will help you recover.
Take it easy. Do not do anything strenuous, try not to drive. The only thing you can do right now is the basic things, rest, keep clean and eat. That's all you need to do until you are recovered.