Appendicitis Attack Symptoms

Your appendix, a small tubular pouch connected to the right side of your upper colon, serves no observable purpose, but it can cause a lot of problems if it gets infected. Most people will never have any trouble with their appendix but, for those who do, the pain can be excruciating and they must receive medical attention promptly to keep the appendix from rupturing.
  1. Function

    • Appendicitis is the name given the inflammation and infection in the appendix. Although many initial causes of appendicitis go undiagnosed, at some point, the connecting tube between the appendix and the colon becomes blocked with either hardened mucus or stool and, as a result, the normal bacteria present in the appendix begin to multiply and, with nowhere to go, the bacteria cause the appendix to swell, leading to abdominal pain.

    Time Frame

    • From the onset of abdominal discomfort to the critical stage of appendicitis when the patient is taken to the hospital in severe pain, a few hours or longer may pass, depending upon the rate of the spreading infection. If you suspect that you or a family member is suffering from appendicitis, don't hesitate to call your doctor.


    • An appendicitis attack usually follows common symptoms, although some attacks mimic other abdominal conditions. The patient may suffer a loss of appetite and dull pain spreading from near the navel to the lower right side of the abdomen. The patient may experience either diarrhea or constipation, and excessive gas is common. A low-grade fever may be present with accompanying nausea and severe cramping as the appendix continues to swell and fill with pus.


    • Although an appendix attack can strike anyone, it is slightly more common between the ages of 10 and 30 and in cancer patients and trauma patients with a recent history of abdominal infection. Without surgery to remove an infected appendix, it will likely rupture, spreading infection throughout the abdomen. This is a medical emergency.


    • Call your doctor promptly if you experience the symptoms of appendicitis. If you're unsure, try a couple of simple tests. Imagine a line between the top of your right pelvic bone and your navel. Press on your abdomen at the halfway point on this line. During an appendix attack, the area will be tender but the pain will be worse if you release the pressure quickly. Sudden movement increases the pain, but lying on your left side, with your knees drawn upwards may relieve some of the discomfort.


    • No matter how many symptoms you do or do not have that match the symptoms of appendicitis, any severe abdominal pain should be examined by a doctor. Don't wait until office hours if the attack occurs at night. A ruptured appendix is a major medical problem.

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