About Sore Testicles After Vasectomy
It is completely normal to experience some pain and soreness in this area, including your testicles, scrotum and base of the penis, after a surgery like a vasectomy. Typically, this sort of sensation will occur and persist for approximately a week after the procedure. Normally the soreness of the testicles will lessen with each day, but should completely disappear in seven days.
If you're experiencing any kind of soreness in your testicles after a vasectomy, your doctor or surgeon will most likely recommend that you situate an ice pack on the area for a certain period and length of time, and will probably have some sort of prescription for a mild painkiller to help ease your discomfort. Since each patient is different, it is recommended that you listen to the advice of your doctor.
When this sort of pain or soreness continues on past the one-week mark, or seven days after the surgery, you'll need to go back into your doctor or surgeon's office to be evaluated again. Don't believe that you can just muster through, since this symptom may be an indication or warning of something much more serious than a little discomfort. It's always best to weigh on the side of precaution, especially when surgery has been involved.
A number of men have reported a great deal of pain after their vasectomies. Depending on the study, as many as half of the patients made some sort of complaint about the soreness of their testicles. The period of time in which this pain lasted varied greatly; some even experienced pain up to a year later. That being said, you should still contact your doctor or surgeon if soreness of the testicles persists past seven days.
No matter how smoothly your vasectomy may have gone, it is suggested that you refrain from sexual intercourse and rigorous sports for around one to two weeks. By engaging in these activities, you are running the risk of injuring yourself and placing your testicles in a great deal of pain. Of course, you should consult with your doctor on the exact amount of time you should specifically abstain for these endeavors.