How to Try and prepare for your c-section
Things You'll Need
- prayer
- support
- being mentally/emotionally prepared
The idea of having a csection can be extremely nerve wracking. If other options have not worked try to pray about it and mentally prepare yourself for the surgical birth. Know that the doctors perform tons of these so that should be the least of your worry. If you want to breast feed your baby, don't expect it to happen right away.
Make sure you have your baby's room all set up with diapers, sleepers and so on. You don't want to have to worry about it later. Be prepared to allow others to help. You don't know if your csection will be an easy, up the following day with next to no pain (that was my sister's experience)or a woah, you weren't expecting to be knocked flat on your a##, You hurt like heck and you are supposed to get up and walk? (this, of course was me.) Everyone is different. Also, you can have your husband or one person you are extremely comfortable with stay with you during the csection. It helps a lot.
You will be hooked up to an IV (numbed a bit first) they will insert a catheder and they will walk with you into the surgery room. Remember, if all goes well, you'll see your beautiful baby with in the hour. That also helped me. I sat on the surgical table. Once the doctor inserted the pain medicine (can't remember the medicine name right off, but it was in my lower back and hurt to have inserted.) I was given a small dose because I am small. I literally started to go down- it numbed me so quickly. They will make sure you are numb. Speak up if you are not. My ob and the other doctor had to help me lay on the table, I couldn't do it. Once laying down, they uncovered my stomach and applied the liquid to sterilize the surgical area. You aren't allowed to touch it since that would unsterilize it. It's hard not to-it feels strange. Your stomach is right below you and you can't feel it. They will put a screen in front of you with a drape over it.
I felt no pain, just tugging. You have to try not to think about that. Then, out comes my little guy-that is..just the best. Try not to cry. That's not comfortable when you are opened up.
The recovery room is next. Again, individual experience will vary. I itched like mad, couldn't stop shaking, and was cold. Your heart will be monitored and the nurse will check you blood pressure. They will keep you there for a an hour or longer, I can't quite remember how long now. But that gives an idea. Then, if you are doing well, off to your original room. Keep in mind, your baby will not be with you until you are back in the regular birth room and only if he/she is also doing well.
It is extremely helpful to have your support person(mom,friend or husband) updating you on how your baby is doing.
You'll have your heart monitored and they'll check your blood pressure for the next 24 hours until you are good and stable. Your baby will be next to you, but don't expect to be able to hold him.