How to Adjust to a Liver Transplant
Stop thinking of yourself as a sick patient. You have a new lease on life. Think of yourself as a new, normal and healthy person. This applies to professional, recreational and personal areas of your life.
Keep a strict medication schedule.You must take your medications on a regular schedule to prevent rejection. Failure to do this may cause transplant failure. If you miss a dose of your medication or you vomit a medication, contact your transplant team immediately. They will advise you on what to do. Take all your medications with you if you travel.
Listen to your body. You may need to take it easy on yourself after the first day or two after leaving the hospital. Build up your strength slowly.
Discuss an exercise program with your physician. Do not do push-ups or sit-ups. Do not do anything that requires you to stretch or that puts pressure on your abdomen.
Maintain appointments with your gastroenterologist. He will monitor your new liver’s function and the rest of your digestive system.
Maintain appointments with your ophthalmologist to keep your eyes healthy. The prednisone that you are taking can cause side effects such as blurry vision, glaucoma and cataracts.
Maintain appointments with your dentist. The immunosuppressant drugs may make your gums inflamed and they may bleed. It is important that your teeth are cleaned and any cavities are filled. Any dental surgery requires that you take antibiotics to prevent infection.
Maintain appointments with your physician. He can ensure that you stay healthy. He will order routine blood work that can show how well your liver is functioning. It is very important that you get your blood drawn on a monthly or weekly basis.
Eat healthy. Many patients complain that they gain too much weight after their transplant. It is easy to overeat because prednisone can increase your appetite. Another reason is that you enjoy eating now; before your transplant you may have felt bloated, nauseated or had a poor appetite. It is best to discuss a healthy diet with your nutritionist.