How to Prepare for a Vasectomy
Things You'll Need
- Courage
- Jockstrap
- Transportation home
- Pharmacy
- Bags of frozen peas
Decide that you really are done having kids and that you want a permanent method of birth control. This is a decision that you and your partner must make together. Most doctors will ask you if you are sure. If you bring your partner to the appointment, your doctor may send your partner out and ask you privately again if you're sure. This is to ensure that your relationship is solid and that you aren't being pressured by your partner. If you and your partner were to split up and you went on to another relationship, you may want kids then. The doctor just wants to make sure this is something you really want.
Arrange transportation home from your procedure. You will be able to walk, but may be a little tender or sore. Driving could pull on your stitches, so let someone else drive you home.
Wear loose fitting pants, like sweat pants. Wear form fitting underwear, not boxer shorts. Bring a jock strap with you.
Go to the doctor's office. You will be instructed to lay flat on your back on the examination table. The doctor will inject a local anesthesia into the skin of your scrotum and you will not feel any pain. You may feel a little pulling on the area as the doctor is working, but it should not hurt.
Relax. The doctor will make a small incision on one side of your scrotum. The doctor will go in and snip the thin tube (vas deferens) that carries sperm from your testicle. The doctor may also cauterize the ends so that the ends do not reattach.
Know that you're almost done. The doctor will put dissolvable stitches on the incision. The doctor will repeat the process on the other side of the scrotum.
Leave the office wearing your jock strap under your loose fitting pants. Support to your testicles is key--keep them close and supported.
Stop at the pharmacy. Fill the pain medication prescription that the doctor gives you. The medication will only be for a few days length, just to help with the initial healing.
Go home and rest for the day. Take your pain medication and use bags of frozen peas to ice the area (the small granules of the peas contour gently around the testes, resulting in better comfort for you).
Wear the jock strap at all times, along with supportive underwear. It will help immensely. You will feel somewhat sore and bruised, but this is normal. Within a day or two, you'll be feeling better.
Check for signs of infection. If you have any, contact your doctor immediately.