How to Diagnose Infection After a Vasectomy

Now that you've had a vasectomy, you're healing up quickly and should be feeling great within a few days. While infection after a vasectomy is not common, a very small number of men do run into trouble after the operation. Paying attention to the difference between normal post-vasectomy discomfort and bruising and what feels like an infection are key.

Things You'll Need

  • Jock strap
  • Bags of frozen peas (3)
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      Determine where the pain is located. Vasectomy is done on both sides of the testicles, so there should be equal bruising and discomfort on both sides. This is normal for a few days after your vasectomy. If you have excessive pain, particularly located on one side of the testicles, or a shooting or severe pulling pain when standing, this could indicate infection.

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      Check your incisions. If you had the traditional vasectomy (as opposed to a "no scalpel" vasectomy), there will be two very tiny incisions on each side of your testes that will be sewn up with dissolvable stitches. There should be no extreme redness or puss. If the incisions look ruptured in any way, contact your doctor immediately.

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      Check the area to make sure there is no bleeding.

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      Determine if there is any swelling. Some minor swelling is normal for a few days. But if it seems excessive, seek medical help from your physician.

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      Take your temperature. If your temperature is elevated and you are experiencing pain, you most likely have an infection.

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      Check your testicles and see if you have a painful little lump. This is an uncommon condition called "sperm granuloma" and can be treated with anti-inflammatory medications.

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      Make sure that you wear your jock strap. Keep your testes up close and supported and you will have significantly less discomfort.

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      Ice the area. Use your frozen bags of peas (the small granules of the peas contour gently around the testes, resulting in better comfort for you). If after several days of ice and proper support and you are still experiencing any of the above symptoms, contact your doctor immediately.

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