How to Survive post Tonsillectomy
Things You'll Need
- Prescription Pain Killers
- Antibiotics
- Ice packs
- Jello
- Tea
- Broth
- Mashed Potatoes
- Someone to take care of you for at least 4 days.
If you are scared, talk to your Dr. He/she will assure you there is very little risk and the surgery really only takes about 15 - 20 minutes.
Make sure you get your pain killers before you go to the hospital for your surgery, or if the hospital pharmacy will dispense it get it there. Just be sure you take your first dose before you feel what just happened to you, maybe 3-5 hours after your surgery.
Some one really needs to take care of you because, hopefully, you will be drugged up and unable to do much of anything but go to the bathroom and sleep. Sleeping is good. It helps you heal and helps the time of healing pass more quickly.
If you are not nauseated from the anesthesia, you will actually feel the best the very first day of your surgery, so eat. Because tomorrow and the next, it is doubtful you will be able to eat much more than jello, Ice cream and mashed potatoes.
About 45 minutes before you need to eat you should take your pain killers. Around that time you are the most relieved from pain and it will be the easiest to eat. Cold Jello feels very good, and will help with hunger pain.
At night, try setting an alarm clock to take your pain meds at the right time so you never have to be awoken at night by excruciating pain and will barely be able to swallow your pills.
When your scabs fall off, avoid any acidic foods, like tomato based foods, or citrus juice.
Rest and enjoy loosing 5- 10 lbs without dieting!