How to Get Pregnant With Cauterized Tubes
Consider this first. Your current age and health status are vitally important to the decision to move forward with tubal reversal surgery. The risk of having a baby with severe birth defects increases dramatically with age. Also, consult with the surgeon who initially provided the tubal cauterization. Obtain your surgical records so that a fertilization specialist will know what she is working with.
Cost factor. The reversal surgery is usually not covered by insurances, unless it is deemed medically necessary. The out of pocket cost to you can range anywhere from $3,000 to $7,500, not including anesthesia and hospital fees.
Locate a fertility specialist. Referral and word of mouth are still two reliable resources for choosing a physician. Discuss your plans with your obstetrician; chances are he might specialize in fertility himself or know of a colleague who does. Bring your surgical report with you to your first office visit to save time.
Prepare for surgery. Tubal reversal, although it is usually laparoscopic and completed on an outpatient basis, is still surgery. Have your affairs in order prior to your surgical date and caregiving arranged for your other children, if needed. You can elect to take vacation time from work or discuss the option of using your family and medical leave with your manager. Most women return to work within one week of surgery.
Time to conceive. Once your reversal surgery is complete and you have the green light from your surgeon, you are ready to start trying to conceive again. Most fertility specialists agree that after a successful surgery, chances are you could get pregnant in a few cycles (assuming your partner’s sperm count is excellent).