How to Prevent Adhesions
Things You'll Need
- Internet access
- Telephone access
- Transportation
- A support system
Prevent adhesions
Get examined regularly. If you get examined regularly by a medical professional, it is far more likely that you will be able to prevent adhesions from ever forming. Be sure to tell your doctor about any adverse or relevant medical history. In the event adhesions do form, a medical professional may be able to prevent adhesions from forming elsewhere in the body.
Take medication. Over the counter anti inflammatory or pain pills may work to prevent some adhesions that are not hereditary. They may reduce tissue swelling that can promote adhesions from forming.
Learn about preventative surgery. In some circumstances preventative surgery may be warranted to break thickened connective tissue apart or block separated tissue from reconnecting together. Barrier procedure, using biodegradable polymers, is the most current way to prevent adhesions surgically. Read about adhesiolysis and hysterectomies.
Read about Chinese herb therapies. A possible way to prevent adhesions is to ingest certain herbs consistently, especially if you suffer from abdominal or bowl-related problems. Go to your local library as there are hundreds of resources and lists of such remedies that have been used for centuries to prevent adhesions.