How to Survive Varicose Vein Surgery
Loosing collagen is why older people get varicose veins. Lack of collagen reduces the elasticity in the skin and veins. When the veins of an older person become blocked, they are more likely to lose their shape, stretch and spread than they would in a younger, more flexible body.
Removing varicose veins are not considered to be a problem. Surgical removal is for cosmetic purposes. Occasionally, though, the build-up of blood in one area can cause other peripheral issues. Blood seeps into places it isn’t intended to be, making surgical removal a necessity. If a blocked and swollen vein gets too close to the surface of the skin, it can become over-sensitive to abrasions. There is some speculation that the presence of varicose veins makes skin cancer and blood clotting problems a higher likelihood.
Having surgery is usually handled as an outpatient procedure. After the anaesthetic wears off, there may be a slight burning sensation where the incision was made, a little bleeding and some pain. Leaving the bandages on is recommended for the first couple of days. Regular bathing can be resumed two days after surgery. The incisions need to be kept clean and watched for signs of infection. Any changes in skin tone should be reported to the doctor.
Supporting the legs with extra dense elastic are used to support the skin while it is healing and to help things close up as tightly as possible. After a few weeks, the stockings can come off and will not produce any other positive effects by continuing to wear them. As with any cut, healing and visible marks become less pronounced after the cut has healed. Bruises are normal after surgery and may last up to a month. Achy or sore legs may continue for a few weeks, post-surgery.
Exercising post-operation and gentle stretching is recommended; it is important to keep the blood circulating. Avoid sitting for long periods of time because this can contribute to the formation of blood clots or a thrombus. While exercise during the recovery period can create a dull ache, the benefits far outweigh the discomfort.
Removing varicose veins should improve the blood flow to and from the heart. Usually there are no complications, although sometimes phlebitis (swelling that leads to a thrombus) can occasionally result. Consulting your health care professional is reccomended.