How to Recover from Prostate Surgery
Listen to your doctor and rest as much as possible in the first few weeks at home. Remember to take any prescribed medications, which usually include pain medication and stool softeners.
Avoid getting your incision site wet. Keep the area clean and dry for at least one week after surgery. Take sponge baths instead of showers. Clean the tip of the penis with antibiotic ointment provided by your doctor or a 50/50 mixture of hydrogen peroxide and water.
Eat a well-balanced diet to prevent constipation. If constipation occurs, consult your doctor about using a laxative. Straining during a bowel movement so soon after surgery can set back healing. Remember to drink at least eight glasses of water a day to help flush out the bladder.
Accept that it will take up to six weeks for your body to heal. Refrain from lifting anything heavier than 10 to 15 pounds and don't resume any strenuous exercise until you have your follow-up appointment with your doctor.
Consider walking and performing Kegel exercises to help speed up the recovery process. These easy exercises help to strengthen the pelvic floor and help to improve continence.