How to Get a Forked Tongue
Investigate the procedure thoroughly by reading in-depth about the surgical options, possible complications and long-term effects. It is essential to understand all possibilities before undergoing any surgical body modification.
Find out about others who have already had tongue-splitting surgery and contact them if possible. Utilize blogs, online communities and body modification shops. Ask about the pros and cons that others have encountered physically and socially since the tongue splitting.
Write down any questions that you have, and make an appointment to discuss your findings with a qualified, board-certified surgeon.
Consider what you've learned. After surgery, you must re-train yourself to speak without slurring. Be prepared for possible social and workplace problems with such an obvious body modification. Be certain you can accept the long-term ramifications of tongue splitting before proceeding with the surgery.
Make your decision. Should you choose to move forward, make a surgical appointment. Remember to coordinate your work schedule for roughly 2 weeks of recovery time.